Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A year already?

It's been almost three months since I've updated this thing?! Really? Man, I gotta do better than that! I really need some blog activity though, so I don't feel like posting is useless. You know what that means? It means get your hiney down to "comments" and leave one! :)

Anywho, what's gone on in the past three months? The biggest thing, my daughter (Layla) turned the big ONE! :) And of course, there were cupcakes, coupons, and chaos.

This was the food set up (well, part of it). See the little cupcake tree? Those cupcakes were fan-freakin-tastic! You can get the recipe I used here!

I also did a fabulous job royal icing cookies, in my own humble opinion. This is the best I've ever done with royal icing. Oh, and P.S. I did this at like 9:30am the day of the party. (party started at noon)

Layla's Smash Cake! I'm actually proud of how good it turned out. I used a healthy smash cake recipe, using bananas, applesauce, and a bit of vanilla. There was no eggs or sugar in her cake. Except for the buttercream icing. :) 

As you can see, she was pretty thrilled about her birthday. I made that outfit (with the assistance of my mother), and the hat. I'm oh-so-crafty. 

She really enjoyed her day. Played with a few friends, got lots of new clothes and toys, and looked darn cute the whole time. Who can say they did that at their most recent birthday? Not me! 

Anyway, I promise to give more blog entries. Promise promise. Now comment, kids. Make it worth my while.

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